SOG Toothlock - Half Serrated #TK-02,來自【UDN 買東西購物中心】,※未滿18歲 兒童及少年,請勿購買刀械。。NEWS由North、East、West和South 四個英文單字的字首組合而成,亦即蘊含自東、西、南、北等四面八方匯集而來的新資訊。過去,民眾若要購物,必須東市、西市都得走一趟,「買東西」、「南北貨」一詞由此而生;「買東西」,英文就是Shopping。 因此,udn news是讓您得知東南西北而來的新資訊,「udn shopping、udn 買東西」則是為您搜羅大江南北新鮮貨的最佳平台;也代表「udn買東西」集結「新品、新鮮、新奇」的平台特色。

SOG Toothlock - Half Serrated #TK-02

※未滿18歲 兒童及少年,請勿購買刀械。。

SOG Toothlock - Half Serrated #TK-02

The Toothlock is a new design expression. It combines our high performance piston lock but with the addition of a kick start device. Pull back the lock and the blade is nudged out of the handle to start its journey. Why the name the Toothlock? Check out the shape of the lock bar with its two lobe geometry. This new technology merges with an assertive handle pattern that changes direction to match the tactile points on the hand. You will find it stimulating. The blade shape is novel as well with a wavy reverse curve that cuts effortlessly while maintaining a thick reinforced tip for power penetration. The VG-10 san mai blade is ground to perfection and is reminiscent of ancient samurai designs. Toothlock... better than finding money under your pillow.

【資料來源 / 版權 與 商品購買網址】

UDN 買東西購物中心 - SOG Toothlock - Half Serrated #TK-02


新品主打 - Haier海爾 電子式恒溫儲酒冰櫃174瓶 JC-398GD(紅酒櫃)
賺到買到 - 【蜂王Queen Bee】綻放玫瑰嫩膚皂80g-18顆-共6盒(典雅、純淨、自然)

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